What we do
Morning Worship
Lord’s Day worship is the primary place where the Lord meets His people. Through the systematic study of God’s word together with the regular observance of the sacraments, the Lord sanctifies His people: teaching and training us to grow in Christ-likeness as the Holy Spirit works in us to mortify sin and produce a harvest of the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23).
Sunday worship at BCBC has a fairly relaxed “feel.” We sing, pray, and read the Bible (both together as a congregation, and from the pulpit), confess our sin corporately, and have the assurance of God’s pardon declared to those who trust Him. The exposition of God’s word is the central feature of our worship time, and our typical practice is to work through entire books of Scripture, touching every part along the way; you can find recent sermons here. The service starts at 10:50 AM, and typically runs about 90 minutes.
Adult Bible Fellowship
Sundays in the fellowship hall at 9:15 AM, the adults take the time to dig much more deeply into His word together, with room for discussion and wrestling with how to apply the truths of Scripture in our lives. Over the last several months, Mr. Kelly Davis has been teaching through Paul’s letter to the Romans.
Children’s Sunday School
Sundays in the downstairs classroom(s) at 9:15 AM, the children have been studying the truths of God as they work through the framework of the Children’s Catechism.
Wednesday Study
Wednesday evenings in the fellowship hall at 6:00 PM, we gather for a time of discussion and application of God’s word. During the school year, we have been studying the prophecy of Isaiah; in the summers we do a book study on a topic of interest. There is a Zoom option for this study if you’re not able to be here in person. Contact us if you’d like more information.